4 people, to who you should write a postcard now

Since the beginning of the year, the new COVID-19 virus has been raging and turning the world upside down. Schools are closing. Nursing homes have a visiting ban. Events are canceled. Public life comes to a standstill. And we have to limit our social contacts as much as possible. But right now we want to be close to our friends and family, to support them and be there for each other. But how, if we’re not allowed to visit them? With a postcard!

The postcard is particularly suitable for this challenge because this little attention suggests to the recipient that he or she is not alone and that you are thinking of them. With our Postando Postcards App, you can even send the message of a special kind from home without leaving the house. Simply use the app to send it directly to your loved one’s mailbox.


We have summarized 4 persons, or groups of persons, who would be very happy to receive now a postcard from you:


Your family members

Postkarte mit Motiv alte Frau und Tochter

In addition to close family members such as your parents, or even relatives who live in another city, who you see less often anyway, especially your grandparents will be happy about a self-designed postcard with own pictures and a small, loving text.

Particularly the older people suffer from the current situation. Visiting bans in the old people’s homes and the general recommendation not to visit the grandparents any more are causing trouble for the older generation. The feeling of loneliness, which becomes present through such restrictions, is omnipresent.

However, with a personal postcard you can show your loved ones that they are not alone and that you are thinking of them. Even if you cannot be close to each other physically at the moment, you can still be close to each other in your thoughts and in your heart. Bring this closeness with the help of an encouraging text and a beautiful picture that shows you together. Your grandparents will certainly be grateful for this caring gesture and will draw strength from the joy of the hours together after the crisis.


Your friends

The extension of the Easter holidays or the semester break sounds quite tempting at first. But the euphoria about compulsory leave can turn into the opposite after just a few days when it starts to get boring. In addition, too often the high school graduation exams or the exam phase in the university are still pending. You soon realize that studying alone at home is not as much fun as you initially thought. You miss your friends and everyday life.

It’s the perfect opportunity to send a message to your friends outside of WhatsApp & Co and send them an update from your home. The postcard with your own pictures to your best friend will surely still hang on their fridge in a few years as a souvenir of those crazy times.


Your international acquaintances

selbstgestaltete Postkarte mit Händen drauf die das Wort LOVE formen

Especially in our globalized world, many people have built up a network of friends and acquaintances from all over the world.

And it does not only affect us that the virus is spreading and we have to live with the restrictions and adapt to the new life. In many countries, people now have to limit their everyday life and our international friends are also affected. In order to emerge from this crisis stronger together, it is important to strengthen international cohesion and to be there for each other across national borders.

A small gesture, like an individually designed postcard, is a nice way to encourage the people in the other concerned countries. To show them that we are there. To show them that we can sympathize with what they are going through. Even pen friendships can now be revived to simply send some courage and strength into the world. After all, we are all in this together and should support each other in overcoming this global challenge.


Your work colleagues

Normally we spend a large part of the day at our workplace. Together with our colleagues. Due to the current situation, and in order to slow down the spread of the virus, many workplaces, where it is possible, have been moved to the home office. The changeover and the resulting unregulated working day are very unfamiliar to many employees and often they simply wish to be able to return to the office quickly. In addition, it can get very isolating alone at home and without the small conversations with colleagues in between and without the team lunch breaks, the working day seems somewhat monotonous. Because personal communication among each other is completely replaced by digital communication.

That is why you should surprise your colleagues with a self-designed postcard. As a motif a picture of the team, the team event or a great experience that has welded you together as a team. Both colleagues and employers will be particularly pleased with this kind of communication. Even if we no longer see each other every day – the postcard shows that the colleagues still have a place in our hearts and we think of them.


In times like these, surely everyone is happy to receive a nice gesture such as a postcard. To mark the occasion, we at Postando have permanently lowered our prices – so that everyone, old and young, can enjoy receiving a personal message. With the promotion code STAYHOME, you can send any postcard worldwide for only 1.79€.

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