
Benefits of a company celebration

Bring variety to the daily work of your employees and realize a company celebration. This not only brings a breath of fresh air to your company, but also contributes to an improved working atmosphere. Because the fact that your employees spend time together outside the office automatically strengthens the sense of belonging. Since a strengthened team spirit contributes to an improved motivation, you will also benefit from your company celebration for a long time. In addition, a company celebration is the ideal occasion to thank the employees and to show the respect they deserve.

Important tips for your invitation to the company celebration

Einladung zur Firmenfeier mit PostkartenSee your company celebration as an essential foundation for a continued good cooperation and surprise your employees with an unusual invitation to the company celebration.

  • Send the invitation to the company celebration in an analog form. How to stand out from the daily digital message flood while ensuring that your employees have received your invitation
  • Prevent formal formulations, but get creative. Through your own and individually chosen words, your employees feel personally addressed and are stimulated to come.
  • Don’t write too much not to anticipate all the surprises. However, in addition to the location and date of the event, the start and the expected end and, if necessary, a clothing note are important.
  • A registration deadline with at best a contact person makes it easier for you to organize the company celebration.
  • Design the invitation to the company celebration in accordance with the respective occasion. At a Christmas party, winter motifs are suitable, whereas bright colours are more suitable for the barbecue. At an anniversary celebration, it is a good place to decorate the front of your invitation with a photo collage from the beginnings of your company.
  • The goal is to create a great atmosphere with an appealing design even before the company celebration. Why don’t you make your employees laugh with a fun self-designed invitation card to the company party? So you can prepare them for an amusing evening and take away their worries about an event that is too formal.

Invitation to the company celebration pattern

In your invitation to the company celebration to your employees, you can also mention certain successes, such as successfully completed projects, and thank you for this. In place of standard phrases, honest and personal words should take the place. Here you will find a text proposal for the invitation to the company celebration, which you can expand and customize to your employees.

Dear employees,

I am very proud and grateful to be able to count you among my employees! Thanks to your excellent cooperation, we have succeeded in …………. as new customers for us. So much commitment and reliability are not taken for granted, and rest assured that I appreciate that very much! I would like to thank you for your incredible commitment. As a sign of my appreciation, I invite you (with your partner or family) on …………….. to a company celebration. This takes place from ……………. in the restaurant………….. In…………… Instead of.

I look forward to your coming.

Creative invitations to the company celebration via the B2B portal


Einladung zur Firmenfeier mit PostkartenUse our Postando B2B portalto create your individual invitations to the company celebration online in an uncomplicated way and then send them as postcards. We offer you the possibility to integrate a QR code on your invitations to the company celebration. This has the advantage that the lucky recipients immediately inform you that they have received the invitation by scanning the QR code. At the same time, this function provides space to link your analog invitation card to a landing page for the company celebration. For example, more extensive information can be provided on this website, which is created specifically for the company’s celebration. At the same time, you can also use the cross-media function as a commitment portal, which allows guests to easily register for the company celebration. To add an even more personal touch to your online invitation card for the company celebration, you can add your own handwritten signature.

Create an animated invitation to the company celebration yourself

You can also use the QR code in a creative way. Via our B2B portal, you can easily create an animated invitation to the company celebration yourself by attaching a video file using a QR code. But you lack video ideas? Let yourself be inspired by our suggestions and make your invitation to the company celebration a real eye-catcher and topic of conversation among the employees!

  • Film yourself or together with the event team that organizes the company celebration and invite your employees with your personal words. In addition to the appreciation of your employees, you also show how important your appearance at this year’s company celebration is to you.
  • Don’t like being in front of the camera? Then surprise the invited guests with a video of a past event. An invitation card to the company party with funny scenes of the last Christmas party or great shots from a company outing motivates the invited not only to participate again, but also creates a beautiful memory, which will be taken back into hand long later.
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