Print advertising in the age of digitalization

In the age of digitalization, our understanding of communication and advertising has changed significantly. Social media and a variety of other technologies enable you as an entrepreneur to find many new ways in the field of marketing.

Does this turnaround make print “dead”? No, digitalization is much more likely to place new demands on good print media and also offers new challenges that need to be mastered. At the moment, a growing distrust of the ubiquitous digitality in our everyday lives is striking, which at the same time brings with it an increasing importance of print as a personal medium. Recognize the emotional, brand-forming and sales-promoting effect of print media and use it sensibly! Below are tips on how to strengthen the emotional bond between your brand and your target group in the age of digitalization with analogue advertising.


Multi-sensory brandingof print advertising


Printwerbung im Zeitalter der DigitalisierungAll marketing campaigns are mainly about striking and also staying in the memory for a long time – as in multisensory marketing. In this particular form of marketing, which is based on the findings of neuromarketing, the focus is on addressing several senses. The more senses are involved in an event, the more it becomes anchored in the memory. In short, you need to make your campaign so creative and authentic that different senses of customers are addressed.

The sense of sight

Visual stimuli have been shown to be captured faster and easier by the viewer than just plain text. So don’t forget to use pictorial metaphors that are consistent with your company characteristics or product characteristics in your print advertising. Also integrate authentic images that convey more emotions. But don’t just focus on the visual design of your brand name, the typography and the colors of your advertising, because the sense of sight has the least influence on brand loyalty of all senses.

The haptics

Stand out of the crowd and address an often forgotten sense: the sense of touch. The motor cortex accounts for a third of our brains, which shows us that the sense of touch plays a key role in our understanding of the world. Thanks to the various production possibilities of print advertising, you can easily give your company a special haptic appeal. This anchors information deep in our long-term memory. A lovingly designed flyer on a special paper is not only simply remembered, but also feels beautiful. Her self-designed print advertising awakens fantasies in the recipient and gives him pleasure in reading. Due to the tangibleness for the customer, print media are much more present than an online ad and cannot be easily clicked away. Print advertising goes through the hand, is felt, seen and therefore perceived more intensely. Use haptic communication to unconsciously create closeness while increasing your conversion rate.

Benefits of Print Media

Printwerbung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung

Digital advertising is easy and quick to use. But print advertising can score in very different areas, which are also much more decisive for success. Analog media are mainly recorded in relaxed situations. This means that, on average, recipients spend more time on print advertising than on digital posts. This leads to increased attention on the reader’s side, who perceives the content more consciously.

At the same time, print media stand for the reliability, quality and authenticity of the company, which creates a credibility of their campaign. In addition, analog brochures or flyers are reminiscent of books and postcards. Especially with a more conservative target group, this familiarity with the medium brings with it a not to be underestimated advantage. Furthermore, print advertising enables a piece of independence in times of digitalization. Your brochure fits in every pocket and the reader does not need internet access. Above all, however, print advertising can be very versatile. You can use your analog advertising either as a classic advertising letter, as support during the sales call, or as a product addition.

Sending an advertising message by postcard is also an ideal way to stand out from competitors. On our B2B portal you can use different design possibilities of image and typography and start your individual postcard marketing campaign in an uncomplicated way! So your message will stand out from the countless other advertising flyers and at the same time manage to touch the recipient emotionally. Because by connecting a card traditionally sent from your holiday with your promotional postcard, it is perceived as a gift.



Printwerbung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung

As a result of digitalization, the focus of marketing campaigns is often focused only on online strategies. But print advertising is still an important pillar of corporate communication. Despite the age of digitalization, use individual print advertising to make the value and identity of your company tangible. It is important to find a balance between your analogue and digital media. Combine print and web in your corporate communication to create a harmonious overall picture. See the print media as an optimal complement that can support online campaigns cross-media, for example. At Postando, for example, you can combine your print advertising with a QR code, which allows the recipient to land on a landing page that you create with just one click. In this way, the recipient immediately arrives at more detailed information about the advertised subject and at the same time you can counteract the lack of measurability of print advertising campaigns. If you use the media mix from analog and digital correctly and combine it with each other in a targeted manner, they can stand out from the crowd in a sustainable way.

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