Business photos: The best advices

You want to update your business website, need new portraits for platforms like LinkedIn or are in the middle of planning a campaign that requires professional business photos?
Business photography gives your true personality visibility, while at the same time it represents your authority in your working environment in a professional way.
But to master this complex challenge there are some important aspects to consider. In our blog post you will find valuable tips on business photography that you can implement for yourself and your company. Recognize the potential of pictures, because they are self-explanatory, create trust, generate a certain atmosphere and above all convey competence. Professional business photos are not only a door opener for your company, but can also represent you and your values in a completely unadulterated way.


Avoid stock photos

Your own professional business photos are an important visual component of corporate communications. At best, do not use stock photos that can be bought on the Internet. They are often already used on other websites and do not look authentic. To present your company individually, it is much more effective to present it exactly as it really is. You can achieve this with the help of business photos of you and your employees. This way you show the real people behind your company name and create a familiar first impression with potential customers.


Ask yourself essential questions

In the first place, you should answer some important questions for yourself. For example, you can find out for example whether lifestyle photography is suitable for you, or if the classic variant of business photography is more appropriate.

  • What are your values?
  • What goal do you want to achieve with your business photos?
  • Who is your target group?
  • What suits you as a person and entrepreneur*?
  • Do you want to present your business, highlight events or promote products?
  • Does the photographer’s style fit to you and your company?
  • Do you already have a suitable branding that you would like to communicate to external customers?
  • How does the image image of other companies in your industry look like? Would you like to go along with them or would you rather stand out?
  • Who or what do you want to put in the right light with business photos? Yourself, your products, your location or your way of working?


Find the right photographer for your business photos

Choose a photographer who will take enough time for you in advance and who is willing to have a detailed preliminary talk with you. Because your expectations can only be fulfilled if you convey in advance what exactly the pictures are meant to express. Describe your company and the target group to the photographer and thus enable him/her to analyse the visual requirements in advance without time pressure. Of course you can also search for reference images on other websites to give the photographer a concrete idea.
Furthermore, confidence is an important key to meaningful business photos that suit your company. Especially on individual portraits you and your employees should appear likeable, competent and relaxed. In order to convey these qualities correctly by means of the picture language, it is of great importance to hire a professional photographer.


The ideal location for your business photos

business fotos als postkarte If your company has its own facilities, then it is a good idea to have your business photos displayed there. This leaves a more authentic impression on the viewer than a shooting in a photo studio.
At the same time, the photographer can not only present your business portraits, but also your entire company with a positive visual language. In this way you can turn your daily work routine into a visual experience for potential new customers. Especially in industries with constant customer contact, such as law firms, practices or restaurants, professionally taken business photos generate sympathy and above all a recognition value that should not be underestimated.


Take enough time for your business photos and appear naturally

Usually you need some moment before you can open up in front of the camera and even feel well in doing so. Don’t step in front of the camera in a hurry to avoid possible visible tension on your business photos. To prevent unnecessary hectic, it makes sense to schedule your business photo appointment on a day when no important business deals or deadlines are scheduled.

Choose an outfit in which you feel comfortable. This will help you to appear natural and convincing in front of the camera. Never try to embody or portray anything that is not really you. After all, your customers are primarily looking for a contact person in the company whom they trust at first sight and who has an authentic charisma.


Send your business photos as an offline campaign

business fotos als offline marketing Kampagne After you have invested a lot of time, energy and money in your business photos, you and your company should also benefit from them. Professional photos are not only suitable on your website as the figurehead of your company, but can also be sent as offline marketing campaigns in analogue form.

Using the Postando Business Portal, you can use your business photos to create an individual postcard campaign online. We provide you with various segmentable address data and also take care of printing and worldwide dispatch to your target group.

Business photos, such as team photos, are also perfect for a creative Christmas mailing to loyal existing customers. Together with a voucher, which the lucky recipients can unpack by scanning a QR code, you make a lasting contribution to customer loyalty.

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