Postando: The postcard with a video message

Postcards as an individual greeting to your loved ones are enjoying increasing popularity, especially in today’s impersonal digital age. We have made it our goal to make the greeting messages even more personal – from now on you can add a real video message to your postcard. This innovative and unique feature allows you to share your experiences and moments of joy directly and, at the same time, create sustainable memories.

Greetings to your family and friends are mostly sent as short messages or a quick, impersonal photo, which are quickly forgotten or disappear behind the flood of information on other channels – not so with a Postando. The postcard has become such a rare medium that it brings a smile to people’s faces and almost feels like a gift – in contrast to the mass of mails and news from social media channels.

Sending real video messages with a postcard and real-life events

The sharing and direct experience of self-made videos are possible by a QR code, which is individual for each new postcard and printed on the greeting card. Whether you choose a video that already exists or if you take a new one of a moment that happens right now is up to you. In this way, you can give your postcard an incomparably personal touch by e.g. a video of the sailing trip on the sea, the thank you card for the wedding with recordings of the bridal kiss or the birth of a small offspring by the recording of the happy baby laughter. As a particularly esteeming sign, you can also send your own video message to your closest friend.

After the postcard arrives, the recipient of your Postando scans the QR code within the Postando app and gets direct access to the video message. Your individual, very personal and loving message guarantees tears of joy, hearty laughter, and many emotions. So your loved ones can be almost lifelike through your postcards at your most beautiful moments. You can also participate in the moment of joy when the recipient of your postcard scans the QR code. A confirmation of transmission is sent to you so that you are informed about the current status of the card shipment to your loved ones.

In 4 steps to a video postcard

It takes only four simple steps to send a video postcard to your loved ones. At first, you have to click on the “Add video” checkbox in the app to integrate the video into the postcard. In the next step, you either choose a video you have already filmed as the source of your recording or you record a new one. Then all that remains is, that the recipient of your postcard scans the QR code on the back of the postcard in the Postando app. In that way he/she will gain access to your lovingly designed video message, which can be recalled at any time to create lasting memories.


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