Christmas is coming

Year after year, Christmas surprises us and is coming faster than we expect. Suddenly, you have to buy the last presents, choose the Christmas menu and the Christmas tree needs to be decorated. We would like to relieve you of the worrying about the ideal gift and show you why postcards are an excellent Christmas surprise.

Christmas, the feast of love, is what we like to spend with our family and friends. Tons of gifts, delicious food, coming together with the loved ones and a cozy atmosphere – this is what Christmas stands for. Sometimes the selection of the perfect gift is quite stressful. To give your loved ones at Christmas a very special treat is often not easy.

Postcards as an authentic gift

The expression of sympathy and appreciation for a person does not require any costly and time-consuming effort. Often even small signs, such as sending a self-designed postcard, spreads immense joy and happiness.  Especially at the feast of love, your friends and family will enjoy a personal message from you by sending them your own photos as postcards. A self-made postcard directly reaches the emotions of your recipient and feels just like getting a gift.  A postcard that causes a hearty laugh, recurring memories and real joy, is even more valuable than a purely material gift.

Maximum joy through shared memories

Next to fragrant fir trees, flickering candlelight you and your loved ones often remember old memories. You can create one of the most individual gifts by making your own postcard with personal photos and contribute in this way to the memories. You can also send a postcard, just in order to say “Thank you for your support, your help, your patience, and our experiences”. In this way, you give away the most precious and unsaleable good of honesty and gratitude – the greatest possible joy among the recipients of your sent postcard.

Christmas doesn’t know distance – neither do postcards

Unfortunately on Christmas not all of your loved ones are able to come home. Families often celebrate Christmas miles away from each other, across different continents. We would like to bestow those who can’t be there in person as personally as possible. It does not depend on the quantity of the sent gifts but on the individual and personal message, with which the person can feel almost like home. Your self-designed postcard will create moments of joy, closeness and a sense of being together on this special day of the year.

Giving time

Shared experiences such as a day at the zoo, a cooking evening or a picnic with your best friends are incomparable gifts. Time as an increasingly valuable commodity is a present that everyone is delighted to receive.  You can create easily an individual voucher with our postcard app as a homemade postcard with personal words and your own individual pictures.

Video message as the most personal Christmas greeting

The probably most authentic Christmas greeting is to integrate a video message within your postcard. Your loved ones receive your personal greeting via a QR code embedded in the postcard and created individually for each card. You can either use this greeting from your media library or add a new one. In this way, your Christmas wishes are sent directly from the heart to your joyful recipients.

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