The 52 Postcards Wedding Game

Marriages are carried out by almost all registry offices despite the Corona crisis. Also to come together in front of the marriage altar is no problem, because church services are permitted again everywhere. In many federal states of Germany, the wedding may even be celebrated in a big ceremony again. So put doubts aside and get on with the wedding planning! To make sure that the big day of the bridal couple does not fall into oblivion as quickly as the wedding cake is devoured, we have summarized a creative wedding game for you. The 52 postcard wedding game will definitely sweeten the first year of marriage for the bridal couple and make sure that the charming wedding will be remembered for a long time. On top of that, this great wedding surprise is pleasant for everyone involved – neither the bridal couple nor the guests have to make a fool of themselves in this Wedding Game.

Instructions for the creative wedding game

In this beautiful wedding game 52 postcards must be filled out for the bridal couple. The individually designed postcards are then sent to the couple after the wedding ceremony week after week within the first year of marriage.

52 Postkarten Hochzeitsspiel1. The design of the front of the postcards

What exactly is to be written on the weekly postcards for the newly married couple is completely free for everyone. Of course, the game can also be placed under a certain motto. In total, there are various ways to tackle the 52-card wedding game. Either you design the postcards yourself with a small preparation team. You can stamp them, paint them with watercolors, decorate them with embroidery, or maybe even stick a pressed flower on each card. Alternatively, the tickets can also be purchased, designed together with guests during the wedding or created by the respective guest at home. The organizing team usually knows the newlyweds and the invited guests well enough to choose the ideal game variant.

2. The label of the back of the postcards

Write the address of the bridal couple on the back of the postcard. In the stamp field you can note the calendar week when the wedding card should be sent.

3. Distributing the cards among the guests.

If you want it to surprise the bridal couple, you can declare the wedding game anonymously as soon as the bridal couple is not present. Otherwise, the 52 cards can be distributed on the plates of the wedding guests, or hung on a leash. This way the bridal couple’s anticipation will be even greater and the content of the cards will still be a surprise for the two young lovers anyway.

4. Now it is the turn of the wedding guests to get active.

Even though the front of the postcard has been designed in advance by the organization team, the guests have enough space to add a loving message, congratulations, or advice for the couple on the back of the postcard. There are no limits to the imagination.

5. Sending the 52 postcards

Each guest sends his postcard in the appropriate calendar week. The feeling that all friends and relatives take the effort to think of the right day to send the postcard and thus show their appreciation and solidarity is the most wonderful gift for the bridal couple. If the organizer wants to make sure that no one misses the dispatch, he can also collect all the cards again and send the postcards himself every week. A special postcard box can also be set up for this purpose.

Concrete ideas for the 52 postcards wedding game

Voucher Ideas

52 Postkarten Hochzeitsspiel  If many of the invited guests live near the newlyweds, then you as the organizer can write various vouchers on the postcards. Each guest can then choose a task that the newlyweds can redeem with them. Such as

  • an invitation to dinner
  • a games night
  • a joint excursion into nature
  • an invitation to the Aperol Spritz drink on the balcony
  • a bicycle tour to a bathing lake with picnic
  • outdoor cinema
  • breakfast in a café
  • show at the Planetarium

Congratulations For guests who do not live in the immediate vicinity of the couple, it makes sense to design cards with personal congratulations. Integrize on a part of the 52 postcards beautiful sayings, tips and nice wishes that surprise the newlyweds weekly.

For example:

  • recipe for a happy marriage
  • memories with the bridal couple
  • write creative comparisons: The bride and groom are matched like…
  • your personal rhyme for happiness

Recipe ideas To make the postcard wedding game even more varied, you can attach different recipe ideas to the back of the card. So the couple has great chefs and tries out new dishes. The guests can then paint the respective dish on the front.

Love goes through the stomach – recipe for …

  • homemade chocolate
  • homemade cocktails
  • home-baked bread

Funny ideas The organizers can also write funny “who would rather” questions in a nice typography on the postcard. The task of the guests is to answer the questions honestly or even to supplement them with a funny and appropriate anecdote.

  • Who would rather dance in the rain?
  • Who would rather survive in the wilderness?
  • Who would rather have an embarrassing mishap?
  • Who would rather forget the anniversary?
  • Who would rather keep silent for a week?
  • Who would rather survive a seven-day party marathon?
  • Who would be more likely to run the household?

Organize the 52 postcards wedding game with the Postando app

You spontaneously came across the idea of the 52 postcard wedding game and don’t have enough time for the organization anymore? No problem – choose the other 51 players at the wedding party and download the Postando Postcards app together. You can easily customize your wedding snapshots and shared videos with the newlyweds as a postcard. You don’t need anything but your smartphone – which means you don’t even have to take the champagne glass out of your hand! And the best part is that the shipping date can be set in advance – so the receipt of the weekly card for the couple is guaranteed.

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