It's much more exciting to discover your self-made birth card in the mailbox than just getting a photo on WhatsApp. Inspire yourself with our suggestions and tips for design and let your loved ones share in your feelings of happiness.

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Your self-designed birth cards – Show your sunshine to all your loved ones
Who do I send a birth card to?
As a freshly baked mother or father, you want to share your happiness naturally. So don’t wait any longer! Announce the great message to all your friends and relatives with your custom-designed birth card. At best, think about creating an address list of the lucky recipients of your birth cards in advance. So you can make sure that no one will be forgotten. After you have designed the birth card yourself, it is already said: leave the post office!
You alone can decide who you surprise with your personal birth card. Close relatives, such as your parents, in-laws, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins, for example, are typical addressees. In addition, your friends and work colleagues are certainly happy about a photo of your baby. Of course, you can also send your gynaecologist and midwife personally designed birth cards as a thank you.
You have not become a mother or a father yourself, but would like to wish your loved one happiness with a card to her newborn? Surprise The offspring’s parents and offer them your support in your personal congratulatory card for the birth. At Postando, we even allow you to attach a personal video file. So you can get rid of all your positive words and share your joy with the freshly baked parents.

How do I design individual birth cards with Postando?
Your little one has only been in the world for a few weeks and you have already taken countless snapshots that you would like to share with everyone? No problem! The Postando Maxi card gives you enough space to stage several photos of your baby. For example, you can combine photos of your newborn with your siblings with individual portraits of the little one. On the back you have the possibility to surprise your loved ones with personal words.
A birth card is much more than just decoration for your relatives’ fridge door. Show gratitude with your self-designed birth card and present the crunches of your familiar environment. In order to not only write the day and time of birth, as well as the size and weight of your little one on the map, for example, you can also tell a little funny anecdote about him. It is also a sweet idea to write the text perhaps even from the baby’s point of view.
After the birth, many relatives and friends come to welcome the offspring in person. Thank you not only to those who have showered your offspring with great gifts, but also to those who organized your baby party and were always with you in your high and low phases during pregnancy. Use your individual birth cards as a thank you cardat the same time !
Don’t your friends or parents live in your immediate vicinity? Then use the Postando Postcards app to regularly send them individual photos or videos of your little one. So you can let them participate in the most beautiful moments with your new little family at any time despite the distance.
What specific things can I write on my birth cards?
To make your birth cards even more individual, you can also think about important questions and answer them on the back. Here you will find some concrete questions that can serve as inspiration.
- What do you want as a mother or father for the future of your child?
- What values do you give your child on his or her life path?
- Why did you give your child his name? What does it mean?
- What support do you want from your surroundings?
- Which zodiac sign or ascendant is your baby and what are the typical characteristics?
In addition, you can also add a quote to your personal words. It does not always have to be great philosophers to quote. For your self-designed birth cards, it would also be cute to include a quote from Winnie the Pooh, for example.” Sometimes the smallest things take the biggest place in our hearts.”