There are no limits to your imagination! Scroll through your personal shots, select a suitable photo and use it to customize your personal greeting card.
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Your self-designed greeting card – the highlight in every letterbox
Why should I design and send a greeting card myself?
Every day we collect new fleeting acquaintances and connect with countless contacts on digital platforms. Through the Internet, we are even able to communicate with more people at the same time than we even know. Our followers numbers on Instagram are exploding and at the same time we don’t even recognize our neighbors on the street. “Out of the eye out of mind” becomes our motto of life. In our fast-paced times, we simply have to consciously press the pause button. Genuine, self-designed and analogue greeting cards are a rarity and thus also a special feature. They are not only more creative and personal, but also more emotional than a digital message. It is precisely these little things that surprise us spontaneously and sprinkle a bit of glitter into our grey everyday life. Also, designing your personal greeting card will definitely bring you a lot of fun!

To whom can I send individual greeting cards?
Everyone will be happy about your self-designed greeting card! Most of all, however, is the generation that hasn’t quite befriended our digital age: your grandparents. Surprise your grandma and grandpa and send them your individual greeting card. Choose a beautiful motif and add warm words and a handwritten signature on the back. Or you can pull out an old photo of yourself and your siblings when you were young. Your grandparents certainly don’t expect that!
You can also sweeten the day for your schoolmates or university students from the past with your self-designed greeting card. Self-designed greeting cards are also an ideal gift for friends you may not have seen in a while because you have moved away, or who are very busy with their professional lives. At Postando, we even allow you to attach a video file. This way you can get rid of anything that doesn’t fit on the back of your card.
Also holiday acquaintances will be very happy about a small update from you in the form of a personalised greeting card. Choose your most beautiful holiday photo together and share your wanderlust with them. Staying in touch with international acquaintances often brings some advantages. On your next trip to South Africa, your holiday acquaintance offers you a place to sleep at your home in Cape Town, for example, or provides you with many insider tips!

How can I design a greeting card myself?
There are countless ways to create a greeting card. The most important thing is to think about what you want to achieve with your message. Do you want to remember a friend you haven’t seen in a long time? Then design your individual greeting card with a shared photo of you both. You can also combine your greeting card with a creative invitation to maintain your friendship. Let yourself be further inspired under the heading Invitation Cards.
Do you want to put a smile on your grandparents’ faces with your little attention and show them that you think of them despite a great distance? Then write them a personal poem or create a photo collage on a maxi card. So your grandparents will surely forgive you for not reporting with them as regularly as they would like.
To express your appreciation and attachment to your loved ones, you can also include a thank you on each of your greeting cards. Also a funny anecdote of a shared experience is a great way to bring back old memories through your personal greeting card. Overall, the Postando Postcards app allows you to create an individual greeting customized for each recipient in just four steps. Creating such a long-lasting memory with so little time is simply unique!