

It's Mother's Day! Even if you should celebrate and appreciate your superwoman every day, today is perfect to put another one on it. It's not that hard to make your rock a joy in the surf! Even as a child, his mum was tinkered or painted on her big day. Why don't you surprise them with a creative idea today? A self-designed Mother's Day greeting is an ideal way to say thank you to your loved ones in a very personal way.

Your mom has gone through thick and thin with you, has always given you her strong shoulder to lean on and motivated you to get up again and again even in difficult times? All this deserves an honest thank you! Even if you may not be able to see your mom in person on Mother's Day - our pigeons will definitely make it to her on time.
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Individual cards
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The perfect Mother’s Day gift: Send a Mother’s Day card

Every 2nd Sunday in May The day when we give our mum the attention she deserves all year round. The perfect day to simply say “thank you” for everything – because it’s Mother’s Day. We have put together some tips for the best Mother’s Day gift – a self-designed Mother’s Day card!

What should I give my mum for Mother’s Day?

There are many ideas for a Mother’s Day gift: Apart from colourful flowers, delicious boxes of chocolates and breakfast in bed, there is another, very personal way to make Mama happy for Mother’s Day!

How about a self-made Mother’s Day card, with a beautiful picture of a shared moment. With this we can simply say thank you for all the years she has been with us, for all the good advice and for listening to her for hours on end.

But of course our mums don’t deserve just any standard greeting card. With our Postando Postcards App you can easily design your own individual Mother’s Day card and create your own personal Mother’s Day gift. A self-made greeting card is a much nicer and creative idea for Mother’s Day than the ready-made cards you can buy in the magazine shop.

And there’s nothing better than in the days of WhatsApp to have a Mother’s Day card that you can hold in your hand, that your mum can hang up and that won’t be forgotten between all the digital chat sessions.

Mother's Day card with mother-son motif

What should I write on my Mother’s Day card?

Let’s be honest, mums are very easy to please. They are already happy when you just think of them. But a message from their own child makes them especially happy! So what to write on a Mother’s Day card where the gesture alone is enough to put a smile on Mummy’s face?

  • With a Mother’s Day card just say “thank you”.

“Thank you mum”, for always being there for me. For loving me as I am. For always taking the time to solve my problems together with me. For the many conversations and for holding me in your arms when everything seems hopeless again. There are simply no limits to the reasons for thanking mum.

  • Just say “I’m sorry”.

Who does not know it. Even with the best mum in the world you don’t always agree. How many times did we used to quarrel with her? And even when we get older we are at the mercy of many a disagreement with our mum. An “apology” is always so hard to say, and yet it does so much. Just use the Mother’s Day greeting as a transmitter.

  • Writing a Mother’s Day poem

For the more creative among us: how about a poem of your own? In addition to the creative, home-made greeting card, a suitable creative text in the form of a poem would be very good. A very special Mother’s Day gift. And the mum will appreciate the time you invest in her to make her happy.

  • A voucher for a shared experience in the form of a Mother’s Day card

With increasing age we see our mum less and less. Maybe because we don’t live in the same city anymore or maybe because we simply have our own lives now. That makes it all the more important to take time for hours together. For example at a common event like a concert, a theatre or a common dinner. Every mum is guaranteed to be happy about such a gift in the form of a greeting card with a nice text. And last but not least the foundation stone for another little thing is laid to make your mum happy also outside Mother’s Day: just use our postcard app again to keep the memory of this special moment forever.

Advantages of a greeting card for Mother’s Day

  • A quick Mother’s Day gift: In just 4 steps you can create an individual, personalised Mother’s Day gift for your mum with the Postando Postcards app that she will always remember.
  • An inexpensive Mother’s Day gift with a big effect: For only 1,99 € you can send your mum an individual greeting, which she will be especially happy about.
  • Send the Mother’s Day card worldwide: Even if you are travelling somewhere in the world and the possibility for a personal hug with your mum is limited – with a self-made greeting card you let her know that you are thinking of her.
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